Scientific Program
Abstract Submission
General Information
Social Program
Important Dates

Scientific Program

Thursday 15/9/2011
14.00-18.00 Registration for the conference
19.30-20.30 Plenary lecture
O. Dutour. Archaeology of human pandemics : New approaches and concepts
21.00 Welcome Dinner
Friday 16/9/2011
Session I - Biomedical Sciences
Chairs: E. Sarlak & A. Touwaide

Keynote lecture
T. Brown. Next generation sequencing of pathogen DNA in human bones

09.30-09.50 M. Culha. A potential technique for biomedical archaeology:
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering.
09.50-10.10 K.O. Lorentz. Bioarchaeology at Shahr-i Sokhta (3rd Mill. BC),
Iran: Palaeopathology, dental histology and isotopic analyses .
10.10-10.30 P. D Mitchell, E. Anastasiou. Recent discoveries of parasitic helminths from excavations in the Eastern Mediterranean region.
10.30-10.45 Coffee Break

O. Y-C. Lee , H. H. T. Wu, D. E. Minnikin, G. S. Besra, H. D. Donoghue. Lipid biomarker combinations in the diagnosis of ancient leprosy and tuberculosis.

11.00-11.20 H. D. Donoghue, J. O'Grady, G. M. Taylor. Detection and genetic analysis of ancient Mycobacterium leprae DNA.
11.20-11.40 K. Yucebilgili, E. Kaleintzi, M. F. Abasiyanik. Allele and haplotype analysis of 17 Y-STR (Short Tandem Repeat) loci and mitochondrial DNA in Turkish Population



Lunch Break

Poster presentations will be available in the venue for all day on Friday


12.00-13.00 Registation for the workshop
(not needed for the participants registered to the conference)
Chair: E. H. Yukseloglu
13.00-14.00 E. A. Kalfoglu. Bioarchaeology: An interdisciplinary science.
14.00-15.00 P. Mitchell. Trauma in the crusades and its medical treatment.
15.00-16.00 O. Dutour. Degenerative Joint Diseases.
16.00-16.15 Coffe Break
Chair: M. Sayar
16.15-17.15 R. Chhem. CT and Radiology Methods I.
17.15-18.15 C. Trompoukis. CT and Radiology Methods II.
18.15-19.15 S. Geroulanos. Byzantine Surgery.
19.15-20.15 C. Ozgan. Social life in antiquity in the light of ancient grave monuments. .
Saturday 17/9/2011
09.00-13.00 Visit to Ephesus
13.00-13.30 Lunch Break


Chair: K. Ozdemir
13.30-14.30 K. Ozdemir. Prehistoric diet reconstruction by elemental analysis:
The İkiztepe example.
14.30-15.30 G.Petridis. Contribution of forensic anthropology to bioarchaeology.
15.30-16.30 H. Yukseloglu. Genetics and bioarchaeology.
16.30-17.30 E. Akinci. Perspectives on Shamanism and representation of Shamanic world view in material culture.
17.30-17.45 E. A. Kalfoglu. Workshop Closing.
17.45-18.00 Coffe Break
Session II - Ancient Medicine
Chairs: R. Chhem & S. S. Ozcan
18.00-18.30 Keynote lecture
A.Touwaide, E. Appetiti, R. Fleischer. Archaeo-pharmaco-genetics.
18.30-18.50 A. Diamantopoulos. Pharmaceutical substances from Ephesus in the works of ancient Greek writers.
18.50-19.10 M. Papadakis, A. Manios, E. Charitopoulos, I. Kosmidis,
C. Trompoukis.
History and herbal medical texts: "new" drugs from old books.
19.10-19.30 D. Kokkinakis. Medical equipments as illustrated in healing Saints Cosmas and Damian's iconography.
19.30-19.50 E. Charitopoulos, A. Dimitriadou, M. Papadakis, I. Kosmidis,
C. Trompoukis.
Medical Saints and healing places. A constant relation?
19.50-20.10 I. Kosmidis, M. Papadakis, C. Trompoukis. A brief history of orthopaedic instrumentation.
20.10-20.30 S. K. Arihan, O. Arihan. Death of Socrates. Revealing the truth behind Plato's words.
20.30-20.40 Discussion.

Official Dinner

Sunday 18/9/2011

Session IIIa - Paleopathology
Chairs: O. Dutour & C. Ozgan


Keynote lecture
C. Bourbou. Precarious lives: Weaning and dietary stress in Byzantine populations (7th-12th c. A.D.).

09.30-09.50 H. Ustundag. Health status of some Anatolian Byzantine Populations.
09.50-10.10 Ramaz Shengelia, Lia Bitadze. History, present status and outlook of bioarchaeological research in Georgia.
10.10-10.30 C. T. Viesca, M. R. de Viesca. Olmec clay sculpture representing genetic disorders.
10.30-10.50 M. Gamble, S. C. Fox. Of gods and men: An annotated history of medicine in the Paphos District, Cyprus.
10.50-11.10 Coffe Break

Session IIIb - Paleopathology
Chairs: S.C. Fox & A. Diamandopoulos

11.10-11.30 T. McGeorge. Intramural infant & child burials in Minoan Crete: Context, Symbolism & Eschatological beliefs.
11.30-11.50 V. Russeva. "Standing one leg in grave". Two cases of deaths around delivery period from Middle Age, Bulgaria.
11.50-12.10 T. McGeorge. Evidence for head traumas and surgery in Bronze Age Crete.
12.10-12.30 M. R. de Viesca, C. T. Viesca. Mayan craneal artificial deformations: Between symbolical significance and aesthetics.
12.30-12.45 Discussion
12.45-13.15 Concluding Remarks
R.Chhem - C.Trompoukis - E. A. Kalfoglu.
13.15-14.00 Lunch Break